EXCERPT from pages 27-30 EXT. CASTLE COURTYARD - DAY A female HAND. Finger runs up and down the palm. VOICE ...and this, this is your love line. Girlish giggles. WIDEN HAROLD GODWINESON flirts with two MAIDENS. MAIDEN #1 Love line? Pointing to his palm. HAROLD Why yes. Look here. You see, how long and firm mine is? Maiden #2 playfully smacks him. MAIDEN #2 Harold. You naughty rogue. Rubbing the one's hand. Jokes. HAROLD Rogue? Ladies-ladies. I have been instructed by the finest palm readers of all upper and lower Saxon. Allow me demonstration. More giggles. MAIDEN #2 Harold! You wouldn't dare. Laughter is cut short. GODWIN enters the courtyard. SERVANTS sidestep from his path; forehead vein's ready to burst. Maidens scatter upon seeing the Earl. HAROLD Father. I was just making some minor acquaintances-- GODWIN --We go. Walking at the quick-step. HAROLD I only surmise by your disposition that your meeting with our king has proved unfavorable. GODWIN Sanctimonious twit. HAROLD Tis Edith again, no doubt. GODWIN Why must thee find blame in Edith without knowledge of the facts? Smirking. HAROLD Easy. She is my sister. Stops. Grabs hold of him. GODWIN As she is your queen. Do not forget your place. HAROLD I...I am sorry, father. I mean no offense. Lets go. Continues across the square; hastened pace. GODWIN (to himself) Sanctimonious twit. Trailing. HAROLD Is it your plan to leave me in the dark the entire journey home? No response. Harold needs two steps to equal one of his fathers. HAROLD Father...? Godwin stops at merchant's stand. Changes subject. HAROLD If it pleases you, we could travel back along the-- GODWIN --It would please me, if you could still that tongue for a moment's rest. Grasps a handful of dates. Thinking. GODWIN Listen--and listen well. Depart immediately to our eastern shores. Assemble as many loyal followers under your lead. Wait there until I send message. Growing serious. HAROLD Father. What has happened here? GODWIN It was only a matter of time. HAROLD Time? GODWIN Today, I have said things aloud which had only been stated in silence. I fear I have put our domain...our House...in a most awkward position. HAROLD What do you wish me to do? GODWIN Prepare. (beat) The heavens must have proposed two plans of destruction for the Saxon race. On one hand, they let loose the Danish invasion. On the other, cemented the Norman alliance. If we escaped the blows aimed at our faces by the Danes.... Group of FOREIGNERS stop at the stand. Overhear Godwin's apocalyptic preaching. Pulls his son closer; whispering. GODWIN ...the cunning of the Normans might be at hand to surprise us. Foreigners pay for their produce; walk off. HAROLD Your speech has ring of revolution; civil war. GODWIN The ring of truth; justice. Many of our fellow countrymen are blind to it. Look. Look about the market. Harold scans the various foreign dress. GODWIN The Norman infestation has spread across this land like a plague. The union between Ethelred and the Norman Emma has brought a fresh invasion under the mask of peace ...friendship. A puppet king today --Norman king tomorrow? This, this we cannot allow. You...must not allow. Godwin leaves with his unpaid dates. Merchant says nothing; afraid. Looks to Harold. Harold reaches into his pocket. Tosses a piece of silver to the merchant. |