The Big Apple Comic Con was held this past weekend in New York City. Featured guests included Kevin Smith, Joe Quesada, Jimmy Palmiotti, David Prowse, Sonny Shroyer, Amanda Conner, and many others. THE BIG APPLE COMIC CON REPORT
November 13th & 14th, 1998
Dozens of dealers were on hand including Harley Yee, Motor City Comics, Odyssey, plus many more. As always, this con produced a smorgasbord of comics ranging from Golden Age to the latest hot books, original art, trading cards, sci-fi, toys, and misc. collectors' items. Key books such as Action #1, Batman #1, early Timelys and a ton of high grade Silver Age Marvels were available. Asked by one dealer: "Do I see anything I like?" "Of course...," my response was; unfortunately those three and four digit $ amounts kept me in the 50 cent boxes (sigh). I did though pick up several Daredevil comics, including the first 3 issues of the new series, to add to my collection.
Speaking of Daredevil, the Saturday show was much more congested with fans as the creative team for DD was present; signing autographs and chatting with the crowd. I had the opportunity to meet up with Kevin Smith outside the con and talked briefly with him. He was very cordial, soft spoken, and allowed me a photo op. Inside, Joe and Jimmy were signing comics and looking over artwork for fans who stood in line for over an hour. While I wanted to get my DD #1 signed and chat with the pair, I decided to pass as the crowded room was on the stuffy side and waiting in line for an hour just wasn't my idea of "fun." So I got some quick pix of the artists and moved on.
On Friday, I had the chance to have a fairly lengthy chat with Sonny Shroyer. Sonny played the character "Officer Enos Strate" in the hit TV series Dukes of Hazzard. We talked about screenwriting, film, and Hollywood in general. I also met his agent, Diamond Jim, who turns out to be from the same town in Georgia that Sonny came from. I chatted briefly with actor Phil Brown who played Luke Skywalker's "Uncle Owen" in the first Star Wars. David Prowse (who played Darth Vader) was to be on hand Saturday but I didn't get the opportunity to speak with him. Below are a few pics I took with a friend's VHS-C camera, which I transferred onto my PC using a "Snappy" device. If you would like more info on the Big Apple Comic Con just click on the link.
For more info on screenwriting, film, and/or comics, please go to the THIRD MILLENNIUM entertainment main page.