EXCERPT from pages 13-15 INT. JOSIE'S BAR - NIGHT Riverfront dive of a bar. Seedy. Dank. Idea of "live entertainment" consists of a lost tourist coming in for directions TURK (30's; schemer with no plan) and GROTTO (early 40's; even less of a plan) throw down some suds. TURK Lissen grotto. Got the lowdown on that gig on 49th. Grotto pays more attention to his wings and beer. GROTTO Uh-huh. TURK If we want a piece of this action, we got to move fast. GROTTO Uh-huh. TURK Ya with me on this? GROTTO Uh-huh--sure-Turk. (beat) Uh, What about the boss? TURK Shaddup. He don't need to know about it. This is our score. If he finds out, he'll want a cut. GROTTO Cut our throats. TURK Shaddup, would ya. I take care of everything. GROTTO Then...there's the devil. TURK D-Devil? Ya read too many comic books. Ain't no devil. GROTTO That's what Mickey thought. Got him in a rubber room upstate. Looking to TV. Stained with smoke, dried beer. TURK Mickey always belonged in an asylum. (to Josie) Yo Josie--How 'bouts a little volume? JOSIE (50, heavyset barkeep) grunts--turns it up. ON SCREEN: Newsanchor with image of FISK. NEWSANCHOR ...met up with the legal partners of Murdock and Nelson earlier today. ON SCREEN: EXT. LAW OFFICE OF MURDOCK/NELSON FOGGY (35, jolly and carefree) answers questions while MATT stands motionless in background. FOGGY ...can't go into any details at the moment. We'll be meeting with Mr. Fisk's associates to discuss the matter further. SCREEN: Back to newsanchor desk. Image of BULLSEYE. 2nd NEWSANCHOR The daring escape from Riker's Penitentiary earlier tonight was for naught for the repudiated assassin Benjamin Poindexter. Though his body has yet to be found, authorities state chances of surviving the crash and the forty degree waters of the East River are slim. In other news... WIDEN TURK and GROTTO continue to watch TV. TURK Damn! Must be my birthday. First this gig and now that freakin' whack job biting the big one. GROTTO Careful Turk. You don't... TURK --Shaddup Grotto--what you know? Looking beyond Turk. GROTTO But... TURK Ain't nothing you know that I don't know. Bullsie was same way. Always thought he was the smart one. Toasts his beer to the TV; very smug. TURK Yo Bulls--this one's for you. Drinks his beer. Looks down. Puddle of water. TURK Ah man--what's this? Yo Jos-- your plumbing sprung a leak. (to Grotto) What...what the hell you staring at? GROTTO Uhhh... Turk turns around. Follows the trail of water to a pair of pant's leg--soaked. Gazes up slowly. Doesn't like what he sees. VOICE Hiya boys.Copyright 1999 -- Terrence J. Brady This is a work-in-progress. Please excuse any typos and/or formatting errors.Return to THIRD MILLENNIUM entertainment