EXCERPT from pages 77-83 EXT. TONY'S MARKET - DAY Parked car. GRELL (o.s.) So now what? HARPER (o.s.) Relax. We sit here. Wait for him to come back out. BRUNO's hertz sits parked outside the market. INT. CAR GRELL eyeballs HARPER. GRELL Relax. Relax. You know, I've had it up to about here with all this covert P.I. bullshit. It might have worked for Magnum--it's not getting us dick. HARPER I think you're wrong. It's amazing what you can find out about a person just by observing. Sometimes you find out things you would have never known. GRELL Right. I bet if we had questioned him--like I wanted to--we would have never known he enjoys a good mango. Heck, maybe if we had questioned him--like I wanted to--we would know whether he prefers mangoes to coconuts --cause I'm just dying here wondering. HARPER If we had questioned him, we would have never known about the argument he had on the phone. That might prove to be something right there. GRELL Come on! He could have been fighting with his girlfriend for all we know. HARPER Maybe. GRELL Maybe, my ass. Grell jumps out of the car. HARPER Where you going? Crossing the street. GRELL Buy some fruit. HARPER But...you don't even like fruit. Entering the market. GRELL Relax Harp. I'll just observe. Excruciating sixty seconds. Then -- BRUNO appears; fleeing. COLLIDES with a shopper. Jumps into his hertz. Speeds off. Grell exits; shield and piece. Hurdles over spilt veggies and downed shopper. Harper, still in disbelief, pulls up in car. HARPER Just going to observe, huh? Grumbling. Grell gets in. Hot pursuit. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Hertz swerves in and out of traffic. DETECTIVES pursue. Four-way stop. BRUNO slams on the brakes ... domino effect accident. Harper jumps the curb. Circumvents the accident. PEDESTRIANS scatter. HARPER Hang on lieutenant! GRELL Harp, you fucking idiot! Detective's car tears up the sidewalk. Bruno's car turns down a side road; an alleyway. Trash cans collide with hertz. Detectives pursue. An awakened BUM grows irate. Hertz enters an automated car wash parking lot. GRELL We got him--we got him now. Detective's car pulls into the lot. Big grin. Grell steps from the car. HARPER You know all this could have been avoided. GRELL Shut up, Harp. We got him--plain and simple. That's the way I like things --plain and simple. HARPER I don't know lieutenant. Something is off. Why would someone drive into a car wash when they know there's no way of escaping? GRELL You're assuming too much of the criminal mind. HARPER Just seems too easy, if you ask me. GRELL Yeah well, I'm not asking you. Now shut up--here he comes. From within the chamber of high pressured spray guns and mechanical buffers, a steaming hertz appears. HARPER You don't suppose he got out of his car in there, do you? GRELL You kidding? A guy can get maimed-- even killed in one of these things. He's not going anywhere. The final heat cycle complete. Guns drawn. They approach the hertz. Windows steamed; the interior concealed. Grell throws open the driver's side door. Bruno is not inside. GRELL Son-of-a-bitch! HARPER I thought you said-- GRELL --Bite me, Harp! That little prick. Where the hell could he have gone? A WOMAN's scream; eyes turn. They rush over to the adjoining gas station. Bruno, soaked head to toe, attempts a carjack. GRELL (to Bruno) Freeze asshole! Bruno abandons the car and flees on foot. Footrace. Bruno dodges into an old fashioned cinema-plex. Grell. Harper. Winded. They enter the theater. INT. THEATER - DAY 200 plus seats. Filled to capacity with film buffs. GRELL and HARPER enter; scan the theater. On SCREEN: Climatic graveyard sequence of "The Good, the Bad, the Ugly." HARPER How are we supposed to find him in here? GRELL Just look for the wet seat. In and out of each aisle. Peering down every lane. All eyes ignore the detectives; glued to the screen. TUCO. ANGEL EYES. EASTWOOD. They spread out into the center of the graveyard. Morricone's score builds in intensity. Detectives' anticipation grows. Grell steps in a gummy mess. GRELL (to himself) ...sonofabitch... Far end of the theater -- dripping wet BRUNO slouches down into his seat. The pace of the G.B.U. editing quickens. Eastwood eyes his two adversaries. Harper weaves through the hypnotized crowd. Angel Eyes' fingers move along his gun belt. Grell stumbles in the darkness. Tuco's face drips with perspiration. Bruno's breathing speeds up. The score's momentum escalates. Crowd hangs to the edge of their seats. Climax. The score runs wild. Angel Eyes grabs for his gun. Grell moves in. Bruno cringes. Eastwood fires. BRUNO Nnnoooooo! Startled crowd turns. Watches Bruno's frantic flight from the theater. GRELL Harp! Harp! Over there! Hot pursuit. Moviegoers are left behind. On SCREEN Eastwood fires his pistol once more, driving -- Angel Eyes' body into an open grave. EXT. THEATER - DAY GRELL and HARP race outside. Look up and down the street. HARPER There he goes. GRELL Shit. He's heading for the El. INT. SUBWAY STATION - DAY BRUNO barrels down the stairwell; jumps the turnstile. Two commuters can't slow him. TOKEN TAKER yells to a CTA OFFICER. TOKEN TAKER Hey! Come back here. (to CTA cop) That guy just jumped the turnstile! CTA cop joins the chase. GRELL and HARPER enter; jump the turnstile as well. TOKEN TAKER Hey! Come back here. This ain't fuckin' Nu Yawk, ya know. Subway attendant goes back to reading his newspaper. TOKEN TAKER ...screwy tourists. Bruno dodges through swarm of commuters into a southbound train. Train occupants stare. Clothes drenched from the car wash. Train begins to pull out of station... STOPS. Bruno looks out the window. Grell, Harper, CTA cop charge towards the train. Bruno yanks the emergency cord; pries open the door. Exiting--he bolts for the tunnel. Exhausted. Grell and Harper reach the end of the platform. They peer into the murky man made cavern. HARPER Think he went into the tunnel? A hushed scream echoes from within the tunnel. Sparks flicker in the distance. Ignite the blackened chamber and fade. GRELL Yeah. Believe he did. Pulling fruit from his jacket. GRELL Mango? |